Jisnoo Dev Pal

Department of Computer Science
Ramakrishna Mission Residential College (Autonomous)
Narendrapur, Kolkata


I am a second-year Computer Science student with a deep passion for innovative problem-solving and lifelong learning. Driven by curiosity and equipped with strong analytical skills, I enjoy exploring diverse subjects and expanding my knowledge. My primary interest lies in Artificial Intelligence, with a focus on leveraging its potential to solve real-world challenges and drive social impact. I thrive in collaborative environments, excelling in teamwork and effective communication. To further develop my expertise and contribute meaningfully to the field of AI, I am actively pursuing opportunities to engage with open-source projects. My goal is to apply my skills to address current challenges in AI while creating solutions that benefit the world.


Ramakrishna Mission Residential College (Autonomous), Narendrapur
July '23 - Present
B.Sc. (Hons.) in Computer Science

Central Modern School, Baranagar
2009 - 2023
Secondary Education

Honors and Awards

Apr '24 - Felicitated by RKMRC for securing the top position in UG Semester-I.

Aug '23 - Recognized and honored by Central Modern School as the top-performing student.


Interests and Hobbies: Workout, Music, Running, Movies.

Brother's website: Jimut